Thursday, March 12, 2015

Lazarus Come Forth! Jesus

The Lamb, Paradise Of God

The Marriage Supper Of The lamb

 From Christ’s Cross To Beyond Eternity

The Holy Throne Of God
The Lamb, Paradise Of God
The Marriage Supper Of The lamb

To All Churches In the Free World

TO All Churches In America


 Not Every Man (Assembly) Who Call Me Lord, Lord Shall Enter In The Kingdom Of God, JCON.

Stated Reason For Condemnation, For It’s Much Sin

     This is a final warning, The apostate Church (false assembly) can no longer exist as it is at present, God has given it since Christ’s ascension to convert to True Christianity (righteousness, Conversion, by Christ’s Bloody Cross, Rom. 12;1, 2), yet all it has done over the two millennium given it is all the more descend into immoral anarchy, it’s day of compete deletion has come, you have been served. Apostle, 1986-2016.

Lazarus, Come Forth!  Jesus                                                                 03/10/2015

“Did I catch you at a good time or horrible time? My Christ, what happen to your face? He’s careful that we’re not to know how precious we are to Him, did you know that? It’s like Jesus crying from the Cross, "Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?"  When within His bleeding, bursting heart He is God manifested in the flesh, His release was that close and dying temporarily as sinful flesh, that far away. Though because of His sacrifice, our own salvation is right here, in the decision making of one’s heart, it has always been there. "Where I go you know and how to get there you know," because it’s turning from a rebellious will to a righteous will, it’s all right here, again in the heart, on the tip of ones spirit to romantic tongue, what or what do you love more? In the last seven or so months I’ve glanced through the book of life, seen the names written therein, and been anointed upon this host of heaven reassuring me, us, how they can’t wait to join us on earth. Then in just two weeks or so passed I’ve been reminded of the stone cut out without hands, witness it being released by Her, the Bride to its prophetic fulfillment that’s to destroy the final mutiny of nations warring against God and His Anointed. You Maaseiah witnessed it actually being released by the Bride Herself, yeah, it was a rock that had the look, the surface of a meteor, She was in possession of it just before She released it to descend down to the earth. Ah my god, what? No you saw the working of the Church Bride, that She is indeed a person, even an Authority of the Godhead, I heard this rock being described as their, the antichrist murderer.  The equivalence of God's enemies being drown in the 180 feet of a blood red sea of humanity, that like Pharaoh’s army never to be seen or heard of again, our God hath triumph gloriously, the horse and rider hath he trampled under feet. As well did I receive message, after message saying Desrek this one thing, 'Jesus is coming, Jesus is on his way,' something Maaseiah they’ve been reassuring you of doing your entire trust. Yeah, but now Desrek unlike never before in the history of mankind as there is no more delay unto fulfillment! The prophet Daniel was commanded by Holy Spirits to conceal, the Apostle John hundreds of years later was commanded by Holy Spirits to reveal, while the Bride thousands of years later has now been commanded by these selfsame Holy Spirits to fulfill, I mean these are things that can’t be realized unto She’s moved (captured) out of the way. Well Maaseiah we are in the 14th year of the 15.10 year time table given to the free-world to realized its final judgment and to repent accordingly yet all it does in likeness of its fathers both satanic and religious/political is rebel and mutiny.  You may as well face it Desrek, they are from a rebellious Cain slaying a righteous hearted Abel addicted to blood, that’s nation building and thus turf wars, how vain to forfeit ones immortal right (holiness) for an immoral mortality, even Maaseiah mortuary, yes, the great white throne judgment looms. Desrek, Maaseiah," as one coming into this seat to him, at laying her coat, her purse into a nearing seat, was wife Kiefer Bay joining them as promised  “So what Desrek are you having? Late as usual, yeah well there was a meeting called, I told you there perhaps would be, I Kiefer love that scarf, thanks. I had the salmon and Maaseiah here the lemon shrimp salad, sweeten tea to drink. I know seafood guys is beyond good for you, but not those testy little shrimps, or shell food, we know darling, we just pray and by faith bless it so that every creature that God makes can then through thanksgiving be profitable for food. Ah, well, that must be why Maaseiah is always such the stunning beyond description oracle, which remind me May, your face? I had an accident, I mean we are Alum human beings and subject to accidents, I know and you never call me Alum so what kind of accident? So what were you guys talking about? I thought I heard something of a throne, white, ah babe that’s the great white throne judgment, it’s when the dead, small and great will be summon from every formation of this planet, earth, wind, fire, water, wars and rumors . That’s to stand before the judgment seat of God, books will be open, the records of mankind’s deeds which would’ve been kept by God since the first Adam, and they, the dead will be judged according to what’s written or recorded there.  It’s not a mistake that they’re dead or hell bound, it’s just Kiefer, here is the undeniable, God’s Kingdom reign evidence of proof so that Elohim will be justified when He accuse millions and be expert when He judge. Clearly it’s why he send a prophet Ezekiel to evil nations Judah and Jerusalem after the prophet Jeremiah had just spent 40 years without any recourse from them doing the same. Not only where they abominable and detestable in their supposedly worship of God, opening these books of ancient, divine perception was the proof, thou shalt not transgress God's Law. I have to go, it was nice Kiefer seeing you again as usual, ah we’re having a show next week, a queen model is being chosen from Dissuasion. A beyond belief honor, I hope you and Desrek will be there, ah just call me,” as one standing to her leave, at getting a guarded Desrek Alum attention, there was an inaudible conflict brewing designing Maaseiah Adonai’s exit “and I’ll have tickets made especially for you guys. Ah Soledad and Tassel Berlyn are welcome as well, what is that cousin of his? Hain, his wife Andre, yes, well you guys enjoy and I hope I see you at the show, you be safe Maaseiah, send Nicholas our warmest welcome, I will, you know I will. Tell me again why you didn’t marry her, it is apparent every moment you two are together that you should have, apparent is it Key, why? Why what? Why do you always find a way to make mockery of Maaseiah’s faith, even her fate, F. A. T. E., thanks for spelling that for me, I do feel like such the dumb ass whenever I’m around you two. Ah she wanted me too, to marry her, asked and even at times begged, said it was meant to be, written in the stars, and you, you just wasn’t good enough right? “You’re right Kiefer if you’re to think it was just down right stupid of me to think something so glorious was about her, or my worth, even yours,” as one getting his things, moving out as well, did her bitter attitude toward Maaseiah always tick him right off. “We’re the walking dead, what fools we are, what worth does the walking dead have? Though you be dead, yet shall ye live, thanks Key for that promise just took on a whole new meaning, though you’re cursed, blood lineage and all, a pure blood potentate, compassionate, flesh and blood has been mercifully and lovingly sacrificed unto your remittance to life, immortal life. It’s not Kiefer darling that you’re dumb, it’s that you’re deluded, all mankind is from birth shafted by this veil of illusion of life, living and prosperity all the while knowing they walk through a valley of a shadow, even a jinx of death fearing this phantom that haunts their everlasting soul the more mankind perish.  There truly is no way out is there, once we’re shaped of the womb to here? There is Kiefer by God’s sustaining love and promises one way, this strait way that few travel fearing the one thing they have no control over, before you leave Desrek, I read in scripture Jesus making the promise that whosoever believe in him shall never die, how can that be true?” With an inquiry such as this bringing him again to a much needed seat to her, even humility, was there one miracle in particular Desrek Alum was most reminded.  “I ‘m Kiefer reminded of one of the greatest miracles Jesus performed, it was for his dear friends Mary and Martha, and the rising of their brother Lazarus from death to life. Jesus first spent a moment explaining to a weeping sister Martha, the other experience a person having died serving him as Lord, how though they would be dead, yet shall they live and Martha understood this, but she was still devastated by her brother’s death. So Jesus weeping as well asked them to take him to where he’d been laid, after being dead now the fourth day, he would demonstrate what would eventually happen to all persons who die with Him as Lord over their heart, soul and thus will.  Though what they didn’t realize was, well, just think Lazarus had endured death, he’d undergone the dying, the agony of defeat, the fear and shame, he’d even withstood the torture of witnessing his loved ones devastating helplessness regarding his death and dying. He had Kiefer suffered what people spend millions to billions of dollars and shed oceans of blood annually to prevent, the indescribable torment of being separated from the known unto the unknown. “Ah my god,” as one displaying a hand over the mouth of jaw dropping awe, at realizing what it was husband Desrek Alum was saying, the one thing mankind can’t do, die, Lazarus had done, finished. “Ah my god, he would have to one day endure it, this one highly regrettable thing all over again, then Key, whose to know in doing so, that he didn’t have to watch his sisters die. His friends and other family members, that he had one hope for them, just this one single hope, that they all Dresek be persuaded of Jesus and die in him.  That though they’re dead yet they shall be raised on the last day, the last day Kiefer of the present church age which the Supreme One keep in His Trust. This is being soul ready, but the flesh Desrek is weak, which is why we need Him, Jesus, right? By Christ’s Cross, I think she got it.” Plainly, if it doesn’t cause you pain and blood at gloriously renewing the heart and soul, this anxious outreach to the lost, then it’s not of Jesus’s Christ, as we are the church of the Martyred.” Remember, Return, REPENT!!!  Beware, Apb, The RAM,

 Apostle Patricia A. Bradford, Gilmore

Apostle Patricia A. Bradford, Gilmore

The Holy Throne Of God
God The Father, Son And Holy Spirit

The Spirit and the Bride (Maaseiah), Say Come

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